Seamlessly differentiate your instruction with the
The Station Teaching Toolkit
A guide to a framework for station teaching in the secondary classroom!
How can you truly
reach each
student when
you have such
limited time?
I promise you, it is!
If you structure your lesson to embed differentiation and self-checking components, while dividing the class to allow you a smaller ratio for direct instruction, then you can achieve this.
So what are you waiting for?
Are you getting excited yet?
My comprehensive e-guide to structuring station teaching to maximize differentiation and impact on student learning.
Let’s take a look at what’s inside
Do the impossible: decrease your class size for instruction and increase the impact of your class time.
Easily implement a framework that structures station teaching in the secondary classroom.
Reach ALL of your students through activities that meet all students needs.
Empower your students to make instruction a student-centered experience with organic differentiation.
Make a plan that you can implement immediately in your classroom.
The independent station
Take advantage of technology to implement activities that help students get immediate feedback.
The paired station
You have truly learned when you can teach others. Use collaboration to kickstart deeper understanding.
The teacher station
Make magic happen! Decrease your class size so you can target individual student needs in a small group setting.
Making it work in your classroom
Every classroom is different and there's no one-size-fits all solution. That's why this guide helps you to make a plan that will fit YOUR students' needs so you can implement these proven strategies right away!
Ok, so how can i access these secrets?
This guide is complete with:
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Repeat after me
Differentiation does not need to be difficult.
student testimonials
individual station
I think this station lets me see what I can do on my own. I like that I get my results right away too.
- Mike, Student
paired station
I like getting to work with my friends and at the standing boards. It's a fun and different lesson.
- Caden, Student
teacher station
It's so much easier to understand word problems when I get to do them with the teacher. My teacher can help me more.
- Maya, Student
There’s no greater feeling than when your students are the one's with the cognitive load and you, the teacher, are the facilitator to their learning.
I've been in the classroom as a math teacher for more than a decade with experience at the middle- and high-school level. I have had students from all areas: honors-level, general education, special education, English-language learners…you name it! No matter what room I'm in there are always students who have gotten by without having the requirement or the chance to be in charge of their learning.
In my earlier years of teaching I would just send students to work in groups and every time it was the same student doing the work and the other ones copying - or just opting out and doing nothing at all. So I went on a hunt to find some tangible strategies that I could use to engage all of my students and ensure total participation. After all these years these strategies have been the tried-and-true ones that have made all the different.
I am so excited to share them with you!
It’s time to empower your students.